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Books & Articles I wrote.

Thursday, July 13, 2006


Monkeying Around....

Seems someone screwed up when playing around with email templates. I got this the other day which i found quite odd, but not being a marketing expert wasn't sure whether some neural link was being made to my behaviour at football games.

Not long after i got this:

Dear Sir/Madam,
Apologies if you received a strange e-mail from the
Cairngorms E-Mail Bulletin system yesterday. This error occurred during server
maintenance by the website's development company (Heehaw Ltd). We were fixing an issue which had arisen with the system and, during which time, an internal test
e-mail accidentally 'misfired'.

If you any further queries please do not
hesitate to contact us via the e-mail address below.
Sorry for inconvenience

I had to love that misfired was in quotes. I'm not really even sure what significance the quotes give - it almost reinforces the "we screwed up" which you know they are trying to say - without actually saying it. The test issue only makes it worse and even makes you cringe. I'd love to hear them say - "We were moneying around and screwed it up, but we hope it made you smile".

The worst part was i suspect they made the individual who screwed up the guy who signed his name to the email. Doh!

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