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Books & Articles I wrote.

Wednesday, August 10, 2005


Ibrahim Ferrer Dies

I've have my head in applications, blogs and books the last few days that i missed that Ibrahim Ferrer had died. It was a post by Steve Gillmor on zdnet that i heard.

He holds a special place for myself and my wife as Bajo Un Palmar, a song he dueted with Omara Portuondo was the first song we heard. We actually met online in 2000, so it was actually the first (of many years) of sounds that we passed by each other.

It was also his song Como Fue which was the first song at our wedding.

I was a big fan of Buena Vista and watched the video many times here and in Chile. Ironically the omly time he played here in Glasgow, i'd just left for Chile.

If you don't know the story, get the video. It is an inspiration. It means I have another 60 years before i really have to get my start up off the ground!

Gracias para tu musica Ibrahim. Descanse en Paz.

- Steven y Loreto.

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Read That - book summaries and formal blogs

I remember something i was working on a while back and a post by Chris Anderson, editor at Wired where he mentioned Morris Rosenthal over at Foner books, reminded me of a email chat i had with Morris.

Around 15 months ago i had created readthat.com which was inteneded to allow YOU to create quality summaries of books and formal blogs that could tghen be sold through the community to peolpe who were interested in them.

Things got in the way and this morning i managed to hack my way through the code and got it all working again (to some degree).

I have put it back up to find out whether there would be a real need for it and if so more time and resource can be put into making it more like you want. Its ultra early stage, but i'd love to hear back from you if you try it out.

Just register at http://readthat.com

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Friends on Google Maps

Tell me where you are on my personal guestmap - a touch of Google and a nice idea.

Where are you? Zoom in, zoon out, choose your location, click the map and up should pop a dialog window for you to add your name and choose an icon - cool heh?

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Dave Winer always has something interesting to say :

"... create tools for the people with the ideas and then get out of their way."

As always, it's the simple stuff that works!

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When 1 & 1 makes 3

Here is an email i send to the UK based subsidiary 1&1. These halfwits are part of a larger German company and are impossible to get in contact with. I tried every form of communication and even mailed their German guys with no success. I STRONGLY suggest you stay away from them! Here is my letter:

I am extremely angry by the "demand to pay" letter i was sent by your debt
collection agency for my domain name "googil.net" which you "manage" for me. I
knew prior to the payment that my card was going to expire, however i didn't
have the logon details for the site.

I tried to contact you on NUMEROUS occassions (at info@1and1.co.uk) to get this fixed as the email address it was sending my forgotton details to has been expired for almost a year at the time. I received no reply to my emails and the only addresses i could find for you related to a parent German company - oh, who also never got back to me. The guy from the agency i spoke with suggested that it was up to me to keep this up to date, however i never foresaw the manager of my email changing their policy and so my email address had to change. It was then suggested by him that as you are an "online comany" you operate only through email (despite having a number that you can't get through to!). So i asked what happened if you email changes? He was a little confused and no wonder.

You are a registered limited company in the UK with MY information and if i wish to contact you about that in ANY way you are now legally bound to do so. I am extremely angry that you were so difficult to contact which has now cost me money, which i would like returned. I also hope - and would like confirmed - that no mark against my company will exist because of your actions.

Steven Livingstone

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